YES, OVER 18+!

St. John loves lager in his lovely yard.
Located in San Diego, St. James' Brew Outdoor Space is a haven for craft beer aficionados. Highlighting a wide selection of brews from nearby beer makers, St. James' Craft Beer Yard is where craft beer enthusiasts assemble to unwind and enjoy their beloved drinks in the midst of nature. With lush foliage and comfortable seating areas, Santiago's Craft Beer Yard provides a serene setting for craft beer connoisseurs to decompress.}
Whether you're just discovering the world of lagers or a seasoned beer lover, San Diego's Brew Backyard caters to all tastes. Their expert staff is always eager to assist you through their extensive beer selection, offering suggestions for matching specific beers with tasty smoked foods. If you're in search of a unique and unforgettable brew sampling, St. John's Craft Beer Outdoor Space should be your destination. Their rotating tap list guarantees that each visit brings novel and exciting flavors to explore.


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