YES, OVER 18+!

Sovereign hurrah for our revered Tenno! Heika has brought his power and wisdom. Let us celebrate with unyielding loyalty and eternal gratitude. Tenno heika banzai! Let our leadership be forever!
Sovereign, we acknowledge your spirits to your! Hip hip hooray to our beloved Tenno! The Empress directs our kingdom through wisdom and power. Let her manifestation breathe life into our spirits into greatness. Under the name of Tenno, let our spirits forever be devoted. Tenno heika banzai! With boundless appreciation and unwavering loyalty, we salute your reign.
Long live the Emperor! With undying devotion and gratitude, the nation commemorate my respected Tenno. The Empress inspires our hearts with wisdom and power. Let us bask in the divine reign for all time. Tenno heika banzai! Let our leader's legacy echo in our triumph. We stand in awe of our majestic Heika.


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